Using JSON Schema Validation with the AWS API Gateway

Imagine you’re writing a serverless API using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. If you want to accept JSON payloads from POST requests that contain data created by your frontend client you may end up needing to validate that data to make sure it conforms to your expectations before you process it. Let’s look at a simple way of doing this with API Gateway’s JSON Schema validation.

Creating a Surveys API with the AWS HTTP API and Python

This is project 15 in my Twenty Projects in Twenty Days series! This time, we’re looking at how to create an AWS HTTP API with Python. This will be the Python version of yesterday’s project where we created a Surveys service API to track three entities - customers, customer surveys, and survey responses. Let’s get started!

Creating a Surveys API with the AWS HTTP API and Node.js

As project fourteen of my Twenty Projects in Twenty Days series I’ll show you how to create an AWS HTTP API with Node.js. We’ll design it around the same serverless survey service that I’ve previously shown using Express.js and using Flask. It’ll be used to track three entities - customers, customer surveys, and survey responses. Let’s get started!

Creating a User Profile Service with AWS HTTP APIs and Amazon Cognito

Yesterday, I wrote a post on creating a Cognito Authorizer for an AWS HTTP API. But I didn’t do much with the Lambda functions themselves! In this post, I’ll expand the previous post and show you how to get an entire user profile service up and running with the same architecture using Python or Node.js. Let’s get started!

Creating AWS HTTP APIs with Cognito Authorizers Using Node.js

Today is project twelve from my Twenty Projects in Twenty Days series! Yesterday, I published Voices of COVID which is a project aimed at hearing the voices of people impacted by COVID-19. Today, I’m looking at how to create an AWS HTTP API that has JWT authorizers with Amazon Cognito and Lambda handlers written in Node.js. If you want a more in-depth look at this you can take a look back at how I did this with the Serverless Framework in this blog post.

Let’s get started!