You Pay Too Much for EC2

I’m about to tell you something ridiculous. You might be paying 70% or more on EC2 than you need to be. With a combination of Spot and Reserved Instances you can dramatically lower your EC2 bill on AWS.

Amazon S3 Static Sites and CloudFront Configuration

Recently, I was going back over an Amazon S3 static site I maintain and noticed that I couldn’t navigate directly to subpages without using a trailing /index.html. It turns out there’s a few quirks of the Amazon CloudFront console settings that might lead to this. Let’s take a look at how to fix it.

Announcing Stormlight Consulting

Announcing Stormlight Consulting

I’ve launched a website for Stormlight Consulting. You can now take a look at different consulting services I offer and get in touch with me for initial consultations. If you’d like to learn more, check out the Stormlight Consulting Website!
AWS First-In-First-Out Queues

Recently, I needed to put together system that would take new DynamoDB table items, queue up JSON messages in first-in-first-out order, and trickle them out to a 3rd party API over time.

I love not having to maintain things later so I decided to throw together a solution on top of managed AWS services. Here’s a high-level diagram of what I came up with:

Full Queue Diagram

Let’s take a look at how it all works.

Redmond Python | 2019 Introduction to Python 3 Workshop

Thanks again to everyone who came out to the Redmond Python Introduction to Python 3 Workshop this year!