Lambda Supported Languages and Runtimes

Lambda Supported Languages and Runtimes

AWS recently added several managed Lambda runtimes. You can read about all the updates here in my post on the Serverless Blog. Disclosure: While I have used the Serverless Framework for years, as of this posting I am employed by Serverless Inc. (the makers of the Serverless Framework).
IOpipe to Serverless Pro Migration Guide

IOpipe to Serverless Pro Migration Guide

With IOpipe getting acquired, I wrote an article on how you can migrate your monitoring from IOpipe to Serverless Pro.

Serverless Deployment Best Practices

Serverless Deployment Best Practices

I recently wrote an article on Serverless Deployment best practices for the Serverless blog.

Migrating AWS SAM Applicaitons to the Serverless Framework

Migrating AWS SAM Applicaitons to the Serverless Framework

I recently published an article in The New Stack on migrating AWS SAM applications to the Serverless Framework.

Deploy Your Static Site to AWS S3 with Serverless Finch and the Serverless Framework

A frequent issue I ran into when working with the Serverless Framework on smaller projects was that when I wanted to deploy a static website frontend that integrated with my Serverless backend I wasn’t quite sure how to do it. After some searching, I adopted and republished a broken Serverless Framework plugin for that exact purpose.

And so Serverless Finch was born.

Now it’s relatively easy to deploy your own website to AWS S3 while using the Serverless Framework and Serverless Finch. Here’s how you can do it.