Using Legecy Versions of the Hugo Static Site Generator

While upgrading Hugo (the static site generator I use to make this blog), I noticed a few errors surfacing: WARNING: calling IsSet with unsupported type "invalid" (<nil>) will always return false. After looking around for this I got a hit: Amusingly, a coworker had asked this question a few weeks earlier and discovered the error was related to deprecated functionality in a new version of Hugo that my current theme still relied on.

Howdy! I’ve moved my site to Hugo! I’ve also deployed it using AWS' static site hosting.

Here’s a few easy aliases to deploy your static hugo blog to AWS

alias myblog="cd ~/Documents/myblogfolder"
alias deployblog="myblog && hugo && aws s3 sync ./public s3://your-aws-website-bucketn && rm -r ./public"