The AWS Cloud Control API Is Not for You

Forget the hype, the new AWS Cloud Control API is not the infrastructure as code magic bullet you’re looking for.

Every AWS cloud engineer dreams of the day they can call the same API across any cloud resource to create their beautiful infrastructure seamlessly. This is because AWS has a terrible record of keeping API calls that would seem to do the same thing named consistently. If you’re looking for a solution to this out of the Cloud Control API then you’re looking in the wrong place. Let’s take a look at who really benefits from this new API, in general how it’s used, and some of the context around it.

I'm Writing: The Serverless Cookbook

I have some exciting news: I’m writing a book on serverless development!

Reader Questions Episode 1: IoT, Serverless, and Jobs

This is the first episode of Reader Questions! I’ve started getting more and more questions from readers of my blog and social media so I’ve decided to start posting my answers publicly so everyone can benefit. These questions and answers may be edited slightly to apply more generally and preserve anonymity but hopefully they’ll be useful for you too!

Today’s episode contains questions related to serverless, frontend development, IoT, internships, and more!

Upcoming Webinar Nov. 19th - Exploring IoT with AWS and Azure

Upcoming Webinar Nov. 19th - Exploring IoT with AWS and Azure

I have a webinar coming up November 19th at 10AM PT that you’re welcome to attend for free - sign up here!

In the webinar, I’ll be covering the essential concepts and tools needed to connect IoT devices to the cloud securely including device authentication and authorization to how you can integrate your IoT Devices with some cloud services.

I’ll also showcase a live demo of a Raspberry Pi and PIR sensor that I integrated with AWS to make sure I know if my dog is trying to eat my lunch!

First Look at Azure Container Instances

I recently spent quite a bit of time setting up an Amazon Elastic Container Service cluster on AWS. Creating all the required resources from scratch was a bit more involved than I’d hope for so it left me wondering if there was a better way for developers who want on-demand containers without having to set up and manage the networking infrastructure and resources required to start working with ECS.