2020 Yearly Review

2020 was, well… 2020. I hope if you’re reading this you’re doing okay and pardoning my periodic disappearances as we all figure out how to handle everything the world is throwing at us. This year, I’ll be recapping my year but I’d also like to take more time to offer a few things I can share that might make 2021 easier for any of my readers.

Reader Questions Episode 1: IoT, Serverless, and Jobs

This is the first episode of Reader Questions! I’ve started getting more and more questions from readers of my blog and social media so I’ve decided to start posting my answers publicly so everyone can benefit. These questions and answers may be edited slightly to apply more generally and preserve anonymity but hopefully they’ll be useful for you too!

Today’s episode contains questions related to serverless, frontend development, IoT, internships, and more!

Upcoming Webinar Nov. 19th - Exploring IoT with AWS and Azure

Upcoming Webinar Nov. 19th - Exploring IoT with AWS and Azure

I have a webinar coming up November 19th at 10AM PT that you’re welcome to attend for free - sign up here!

In the webinar, I’ll be covering the essential concepts and tools needed to connect IoT devices to the cloud securely including device authentication and authorization to how you can integrate your IoT Devices with some cloud services.

I’ll also showcase a live demo of a Raspberry Pi and PIR sensor that I integrated with AWS to make sure I know if my dog is trying to eat my lunch!

New Pluralsight Course on AWS and DevOps!

I just published a new Pluralsight course! If you want to learn more about DevOps tools and AWS then check it out: Continuous Delivery and Automation on AWS for DevOps Engineers! Remember, you can get access to Pluralsight for free on me!

The title is a mouthful, I know, but the course will take you through a ton of great information on different AWS DevOps services. Let’s look at some of what I’ll cover in the course!