Announcing: Moonrise Labs

Hello Folks,

I know I’ve been quiet recently and I want to reach back out and tell you about what I’ve been up to and give you some special subscriber benefits as a thank you for keeping tabs on me and my work.

For starters, today I’m launching Moonrise Labs!

I'm Writing: The Serverless Cookbook

I have some exciting news: I’m writing a book on serverless development!

Azure IoT Edge Update Twin Errors

I’ve been working more with Azure IoT Edge Devices recently and with versions of the IoT Hub EdgeAgent and the Python SDKs I noticed a few very non-descriptive errors when trying to patch device properties with the patch_twin_reported_properties() method.

Here’s a quick look at them in case anyone else notices these later on.

Reader Questions Episode 1: IoT, Serverless, and Jobs

This is the first episode of Reader Questions! I’ve started getting more and more questions from readers of my blog and social media so I’ve decided to start posting my answers publicly so everyone can benefit. These questions and answers may be edited slightly to apply more generally and preserve anonymity but hopefully they’ll be useful for you too!

Today’s episode contains questions related to serverless, frontend development, IoT, internships, and more!

First Look at Azure Container Instances

I recently spent quite a bit of time setting up an Amazon Elastic Container Service cluster on AWS. Creating all the required resources from scratch was a bit more involved than I’d hope for so it left me wondering if there was a better way for developers who want on-demand containers without having to set up and manage the networking infrastructure and resources required to start working with ECS.